
  • namespace: Rindow\NeuralNetworks\Layer
  • classname: GlobalAveragePooling3D

Global mean for each channel in 3D data.

GlobalAveragePooling3D implements the operation:

  • output := globalaveragepooling(input)



    string $data_format='channels_last',
    array $input_shape=null,
    string $name=null,

You can create a GlobalAveragePooling3D layer instances with the Layer Builder.


  • data_format: Either “channels_last” or “channels_first”. Specify which of the input shapes is the channel.
  • input_shape: Specify the first layer the shape of the input data. In input_shape, the batch dimension is not included.

Input shape

[Batch size, depth, height, width, number of channels] when data_format is “channels_last”, [Batch size, number of input channels, depth, height, width] when “channels_first”. 5-dimensional NDArray.

Output shape

[Batch size, channels] regardless of input shape and data_format. two-dimensional NDArray.

