Automatic Differentiation

Automatic Differentiation and Gradients

Sometimes it can’t be written in a custom model. In that case, the programmer can also directly write the update of the neural network parameters by automatic differentiation and gradient.

The most basic usage of automatic differentiation is described below.

$mo = new Rindow\Math\Matrix\MatrixOperator();
$nn = new Rindow\NeuralNetworks\Builder\NeuralNetworks($mo);
$g = $nn->gradient();

$a = $g->Variable(2.0);
$b = $g->Variable(3.0);

$c = $nn->with($tape=$g->GradientTape(),function() use ($g,$a,$b) {
    $c = $g->mul($a,$b);
    return $c;

$grads = $tape->gradient($c,[$a,$b]);

echo "c=".$mo->toString($c)."\n";
echo "da=".$mo->toString($grads[0])."\n";
echo "db=".$mo->toString($grads[1])."\n";

#### Results ####
# c=6
# da=3
# db=2

In the practical automatic differentiation including the model and layer, it is described as follows.

include __DIR__.'/../rindow-neuralnetworks/vendor/autoload.php';

use Rindow\NeuralNetworks\Model\AbstractModel;
$mo = new Rindow\Math\Matrix\MatrixOperator();
$nn = new Rindow\NeuralNetworks\Builder\NeuralNetworks($mo);
$K = $nn->backend();
$g = $nn->gradient();
$plt = new Rindow\Math\Plot\Plot(null,$mo);

class TestModel extends AbstractModel
    public function __construct(
        $this->dense1 = $builder->layers->Dense($units=128,
                input_shape:[2], activation:'sigmoid'
        $this->dense2 = $builder->layers->Dense($units=2);

    protected function call($inputs,$training)
        $x = $this->dense1->forward($inputs,$training);
        $outputs = $this->dense2->forward($x,$training);
        return $outputs;

$model = new TestModel($K,$nn);
$lossfunc = $nn->losses->SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits:true);
$optimizer = $nn->optimizers->Adam();
$train_inputs = $mo->array([[1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 4], [3, 1], [4, 1], [4, 2]]);
$train_tests = $mo->array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]);
$dataset = $nn->data->NDArrayDataset($train_inputs,

for($epoch=0;$epoch<100;$epoch++) {
    $totalLoss = 0;
    foreach($dataset as $batchIndex => [$inputs,$trues]) {
        $x = $g->Variable($inputs);
        $t = $g->Variable($trues);
        [$loss,$predicts] = $nn->with($tape=$g->GradientTape(),
            function() use ($epoch,$K,$model,$lossfunc,$x,$t,$trues) {
                $predicts = $model($x,true,$t);
                return [$lossfunc($trues,$predicts),$predicts];
        $params = $model->trainableVariables();
        $gradients = $tape->gradient($loss, $params);

        $totalLoss += $K->scalar($loss->value());
    $history[] = $totalLoss;
$plt->title('dynamic mode gradient');

Calculation graphs

Calculation graphs are used inside the automatic differentiation function. However, the calculation graphs will be created every time and will be discarded when it is used up. If you can directly call the calculation graph creation function to create it and reuse it many times, you may be able to save waste and speed up the process.

$mo = new Rindow\Math\Matrix\MatrixOperator();
$nn = new Rindow\NeuralNetworks\Builder\NeuralNetworks($mo);
$g = $nn->gradient();

$func = $g->Function(function($a,$b,$c) use ($g) {
    $x = $g->mul($a,$b);
    $y = $g->add($x,$c);
    return $y;

$a = $g->Variable(2.0);
$b = $g->Variable(3.0);
$c = $g->Variable(4.0);

$z = $nn->with($tape=$g->GradientTape(),function() use ($g,$func,$a,$b,$c) {
    $y = $func($a,$b,$c);
    return $g->square($y);

$grads = $tape->gradient($z,[$a,$b]);

echo "z=".$mo->toString($c)."\n";
echo "da=".$mo->toString($grads[0])."\n";
echo "db=".$mo->toString($grads[1])."\n";

#### Results ####
# z=6
# da=60
# db=40