Machine learning tutorials on PHP

Experience various machine learning on PHP with Rindow Neural Networks.

Basic image clasification on PHP

This is a tutorial for beginners. Experience a machine learning model with very simple image recognition.

Basic image classification on PHP

MNIST Images

Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) on PHP

Create a simple model of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) using CIFAR-10, a slightly more complex image dataset.

Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) on PHP

Predict CIFAR-10

Learning to add numbers with seq2seq on PHP

Learn the addition of two numbers using Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) on PHP.

Learning to add numbers with seq2seq on PHP

# 583+885=1468 : * 1468
# 517+959=1476 : * 1476
# 437+571=1008 : * 1008
# 195+322=517  : * 517
# 258+623=881  : * 881
# 739+857=1596 : * 1596
# 580+724=1304 : * 1304
# 151+284=434  :   435
# 418+789=1207 : * 1207
# 52+889 =941  : * 941

Neural machine translation with attention

Machine translation of natural language using Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Attention

Neural machine translation with attention on PHP

# Input:   <start> fermez la porte ! <end>
# Predict: close the door . <end>
# Target:  <start> close the door . <end>

Encoder and Decoder