- namespace: Rindow\NeuralNetworks\Layer
- classname: Embedding
Learn and Translate from positive integer to vectors with weights.
Inputs are positive integer sequences of shape [batch_size, input_length]. Outputs are vectors of shape [batch_size, input_length, output_dim]. Weights of shape are [input_dim, output_dim].
int $inputDim,
int $outputDim,
int $input_length=null,
string|callable $kernel_initializer='random_uniform',
string $name=null,
You can create a Attention layer instances with the Layer Builder.
- inputDim: Size of the vocabulary. A value one greater than the maximum value in the input sequences
- outputDim: Dimension of the output embedding vectors
- input_length: Sequence length.
Input shape
[batch_size, input_length] The value contained in the sequence must be a positive integer and less than input_dim.
Output shape
[batch_size, input_length, output_dim]
Example of usage
$embedding = $builder->layers()->Embedding(
$sequences = $mo->array([[4,3,1],[2,1,0]],NDArray::int32);
$outputs = $embedding->forward($sequences,true);
# $outputs->shape() : [2,3,4]