The “Math” library is a library of frequently used matrix operations useful for machine learning. When used in conjunction with BLAS, matrix operations can complete all operations within a buffer object. To process matrix operations quickly, it is very important to minimize the number of data exchanges between PHP’s numeric variables and buffers.
Implemented Methods
Memory space is received via a Buffer object and passed to the Math library.
Currently the following features are supported:
- sum
- imax
- imin
- increment
- reciprocal
- maximum
- minimum
- greater
- greaterEqual
- less
- lessEqual
- multiply
- add
- duplicate
- square
- sqrt
- rsqrt
- pow
- exp
- log
- tanh
- sin
- con
- tan
- zeros
- updateAddOnehot
- softmax
- equal
- notEqual
- not
- astype
- matrixcopy
- imagecopy
- fill
- nan2num
- isnan
- searchsorted
- cumsum
- transpose
- bandpart
- gather
- reduceGather
- slice
- repeat
- reduceSum
- reduceMax
- reduceArgMax
- randomUniform
- randomNormal
- randomSequence
- im2col1d
- im2col2d
- im2col3d
Usage on PHP
Here is the sample code.
use Interop\Polite\Math\Matrix\NDArray;
$bufferFactory = new Rindow\Math\Buffer\FFI\BufferFactory()
$matlibFactory = new Rindow\Matlib\FFI\MatlibFactory()
$x = $bufferFactory->Buffer(3,NDArray::float32);
$math = $matlibFactory->Math();
$x[0] = 1.0;
$x[1] = 1.5;
$x[2] = 2.0;
$sum = $math->sum(count($x),$x,$offset=0,$incX=1);
### sum => 4.5