Getting Started

Quick Start

Let’s run a simple demo.

Install PHP

Install the php command line environment.

$ sudo apt install php7.4-cli

If you are using Windows, please download PHP from here.

The Skeleton code is available from PHP 7.2 to 7.4.

Download Composer

If you do not have Composer, download it from or just run the following command:

$ php -r "readfile('');" | php

Install the Mini Web-application Skeleton

Create a project with composer.

$ php composer.phar create-project rindow/skeleton-mini-webappl path/to/install

Run Tests

$ vendor/bin/phpunit -c tests

Run Application

$ php -S localhost:8000 -t public

The sample is now running. Access http://localhost:8000/ with a web browser.

Change settings

Rewrite “config/webapp.config.php” or write additional settings to “config/local/” directory.

The settings are compiled and saved. You must clear the cache after changing the settings. Script is prepared in the sample. If you are using a memory cache such as APCu, also clear the memory cache.

If you change the version item in the module_manager section of webapp.config.php, the cache will be cleared automatically.

$ vi config/webapp.config.php
$ bin/cache-clear

Full Features Demonstration Application

You can try to see Full Features Demonstration.

Install the project with composer in the same way.

$  php composer.phar create-project rindow/skeleton-fullfeatures-demo path/to/install

Project directory structure

+--bin/ : Scripts for starting command line application
+--cache/ : Various cache files
+--config/--+-- webapp.config.php : Project-wide settings
|           |
|           +-- local/ : Settings for each local environment
+--(data/ : database files etc.)
+--(log/ : log files)
+--public/--+-- index.php : Web application entry point
|           |
|           +-- Other public files
+--resources/-+-- views/-+-- global : View template files for the entire project.
+-- src/ ---+--(Command/ : Command line Application Components)
|           |
|           +-- Controller/ : Web-MVC Controllers
|           |
|           +--(Entity/ : Entity objects)
|           |
|           +--(Model/ : Application Services Components)
|           |
|           +--(Persistence/ : Persistence Services Components)
|           |
|           +--(Repository/ : Repository Services Components)
|           |
|           +-- Resources/--+-- config/ : Configuration files in module
|           |               |
|           |               +-- views/--+-- local/ : View template files in module
|           |
|           +--(Tests/ : Test cases. Change directly under the project if necessary)
|           |
|           +-- Module.php : Module interface
|           |
|           +--(Setup.php : Setup functions for the Composer)
+-- tests/ : Test settings and Test cases
+-- vendor/ : composer modules
+-- composer.json : composer configuration file